Founded in 2009, from the meeting of several practitioners and academics in the field of architectural design, landscape design and urban planning, the academic and research network “Espace rural et projet spatial” (Rural Space & Spatial Design) was born of a common desire to work together to update knowledge on rural spaces and their transformation.
Two Key objectives
– To come up with new approaches to education and research in the fields of spatial planning and design, in relation to changing rural territories in the context of metropolisation.
– To report on the remarkable planning initiatives at architectural, territorial and landscape level, as measured through the various forms of transition (both actual and projected) which we are now seeing unfolding.
Four key missions
– To provide education and research (planning workshops, PhD seminars)
– To organise scientific events (conferences, study days)
– To publish works as part of the “Rural Space & Spatial Design” collection
– To disseminate knowledge (website, online resources).